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1577-5587 schinn7@naver.com
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ÀüÈ­ ¿¹¾à 1577-5587

(ÁÖ°£) Áø·á½Ã°£Ç¥ (2025-01-13 ~ 2025-01-18)

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1992.03 ~ 1998.02¼­¿ï´ëÇб³ ÀÇÇÐ Á¹¾÷

2001.03 ~ 2004.02¼­¿ï´ëÇб³ ´ëÇпø ÀÇÇм®»ç Á¹¾÷

2004.03 ~ 2006.02¼­¿ï´ëÇб³ ´ëÇпø ÀÇÇйڻç Á¹¾÷



1999.03 ~ 2003.02¼­¿ï´ëº´¿ø Àü°øÀÇ ¼ö·á

2003.03 ~ 2004.02¼­¿ï´ëÇб³º´¿ø ¾È°ú ÀÓ»ó°­»ç

2004.03 ~ 2005.12ºÐ´ç¼­¿ï´ëÇб³º´¿ø ¾È°ú ÀÓ»ó°­»ç

2006.01 ~ 2007.07µ¿±¹´ëÇб³ ¾È°ú Á¶±³¼ö

2007.08 ~ 2008.07Johns Hopkins University postdoctoral fellow

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Wilmer Research Grant Award

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1. ½Å¿µÁÖ (Young Joo Shin), ÇѼö°æ (Soo Kyung Han), °û»óÀÎ (Sang In Khwarg). °¡Åä¿¡ ¸¸µç »ó¾Çµ¿ ºñ°­ ¿¬°á ±¸¸ÛÀÇ À¯Áö¸¦ À§ÇÑ Bone waxÀÇ È¿°ú (Effect of the Bone wax for the Maintenance of a Created Fistula between the Maxillary Sinus and the Nasal Cavity in Rabbits. ´ëÇѾȰúÇÐȸÁö. 43(1):160-171, 2002

2. ½Å¿µÁÖ (Young Joo Shin), À¯¿µ¼® (Young Suk Yu), Á¤Èì (Hum Chung), ±èÁß°ï (Joong Gon Kim) Çѱ¹ ¼Ò¾Æ±â ·ù¸¶Æ¼½º°üÀý¿° ȯ¾Æ¿¡¼­ÀÇ ¾È¼Ò°ß (The Ocular Manifestations of the Korean Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Children). ´ëÇѾȰúÇÐȸÁö. 43(3):492-498, 2002

3. ½Å¿µÁÖ (Young Joo Shin), ÀÌÁر³ (Jun Kyo Lee), Á¤Èì (Hum Chung). Æ÷µµ¸·¿° ȯÀÚ¿¡¼­ ¾È³»½Å»ýÇ÷°ü¹ß»ý¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ºñ°ü·ùÁö¿ª¹üÀ§¿¡ µû¸¥ Ä¡·á¹æ¹ýÀÇ È¿°ú (The Ocular Manifestations of the Korean Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Children). ´ëÇѾȰúÇÐȸÁö. 43(4):700-707, 2002

4. Shin YJ, Wee WR, Kim M, Lee JH. Corneoscleral cyst treated with distilled water injection. Korean J Ophthalmol. 2002 Dec;16(2):110-3.

5. ½Å¿µÁÖ (Sin Yeong Ju), °æÇмö (Gyeong Hag Su), ¹Ú±âÈ£ (Park Gi Ho), À¯Çü°ï (Yu Hyeong Gon). ºñÁõ½Ä¼º ´ç´¢¸Á¸·º´ÁõȯÀÚ¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ¸Á¸·½Å°æ¼¶À¯Ãþ(RNFL)ÀÇ ºÐ¼®. ´ëÇѾȰúÇÐȸÁö44(9): 2010-2016, 2003

6. ½Å¿µÁÖ (Shin Young Joo), ÀåºÀ¸° (Jang Bong Lin). ¼ö¼úÀû ±³Á¤À» ½ÃÇàÇÏ¿´´ø ¼Ó¹ß³»»ç½Ã ȯÀÚÀÇ ÀÓ»ó°á°ú. ´ëÇѾȰúÇÐȸÁö. 44(9): 2085-2091, 2003

7. ½Å¿µÁÖ (Young Joo Shin), ÃÖ»ó¿­ (Sang Yul Choi), ¹Ú±ÔÇü (Kyu Hyoung Park), ±è¹Î¼· (Min Seoup Kim), ȲÁ¤¹Î (Jeoung Min Hwang), À§¿ø·® (Won Ryang Wee), ÀÌÁøÇÐ (Jin Hak Lee), ÀÌÀιü (In Bum Lee), À̹̳ª (Mee Na Lee), ÁÖ¼º¹Î (Seoung Min Joo), ÃÖÀçÈñ (Jae Hee Choi). SNU Àü»êÈ­ »ö°¢°Ë»ç¸¦ ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ ¼±Ãµ»ö°¢ÀÌ»óÀÚÀÇ ºÐ·ù. ´ëÇѾȰúÇÐȸÁö. 45(12): 2099-2105, 2004

8. ½Å¿µÁÖ (Young Joo Shin), ÃÖ»ó¿­ (Sang Yul Choi), ¹Ú±ÔÇü (Kyu Hyoung Park), ±è¹Î¼· (Min Seoup Kim), ȲÁ¤¹Î (Jeoung Min Hwang), À§¿ø·® (Won Ryang Wee), ÀÌÁøÇÐ (Jin Hak Lee), À¯¿µ¼® (Young Suk Yu), ÀÌÀιü (In Bum Lee), À̹̳ª (Mee Na Lee), ÁÖ¼º¹Î (Seoung Min Joo). ´ç´¢¸Á¸·º´Áõ¿¡¼­ÀÇ »ö°¢ÀÌ»ó°ú Àü»êÈ­ »ö°¢°Ë»çÀÇ À¯¿ë¼º. ´ëÇѾȰúÇÐȸÁö. 46(1): 78-83, 2005.

9. ½Å¿µÁÖ, ±è»óÁø, À§¿ø·®, ÀåÀ±¼®. °úÈ£»ê±¸ÁõÈıº¿¡¼­ ¹ß»ýÇÑ °Ç¼º°¢°á¸·¿° 1 ·Ê. ÇѾÈÁö 2005; 46(8): 1401-1404.

10. ¿ÀÁÖ¿¬, ½Å¿µÁÖ, À§¿ø·®. A Case of Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis Complicated by Alcaligenes Xylosoxidans Infection KJO 2005;9

11. ½Å¿µÁÖ, ¹®ÁØ¿õ, À§¿ø·®. ÄÜÅÃÆ®·»Áî ÇÕº´ÁõÀ¸·Î »ý±ä °¢¸·½Å»ýÇ÷°ü°ú °¢¸·Áö°¢°¨Åð. ´ëÇѾȰúÇÐȸÁö 2006;47: 25-31

12. ½Å¿µÁÖ ( Young Joo Shin ) , ±è³²Èñ ( Nam Hee Kim ) , ±è´ëȯ ( Dae Hwan Kim ). µÎ °¡Áö °¢¸·ÁöÇüµµ °Ë»ç¿¡¼­ÀÇ °¢¸· ÃøÁ¤°ª ºñ±³. ´ëÇѾȰúÇÐȸÁö. 2007;48:637-641

13. Shin YJ, Kim MK, Oh JY, Wee WR, Lee JH, Ko JH, Lee HJ, Lee JL, Min BM, Sohn YS. Short-term Efficacy of Topical Immunosuppressive Agents on the Survival of Cultivated Allo-Conjunctival Equivalents. Korean J Ophthalmol. 2008 Jun;22(2):123-9.

14. ½Å¿µÁÖ ( Young Joo Shin ) , À§¿ø·® ( Won Ryang Wee ) , ÀÌÁøÇÐ ( Jin Hak Lee ) , ¾ç½ÂÁö ( Seung Ji Yang ) , ³ë¿ë¸¸ ( Yong Man Ro ) ¼­ÇÑÀü»êÈ­»ö°¢°Ë»ç¸¦ ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ »ö»óº¸Á¤ÇÁ·Î±×·¥ÀÇ À¯È¿¼º 2006;47: 1638-1646

15. ½Å¿µÁÖ ( Young Joo Shin ) , ±è³²Èñ ( Nam Hee Kim ) , ±è´ëȯ ( Dae Hwan Kim ). µÎ °¡Áö °¢¸·ÁöÇüµµ °Ë»ç¿¡¼­ÀÇ °¢¸· ÃøÁ¤°ª ºñ±³. 2007:48;637-642

16. ¹é³»Àå ¼ö¼ú ÀüÈÄ ÀÌÁß»þÀÓÇ÷¯±× Àü¾ÈºÎ ºÐ¼®±â·Î ÃøÁ¤ÇÑ ¼öÁ¤Ã¼ ³»ºÎ ½ÅÈ£°­µµ. ´ëÇѾȰúÇÐȸÁö. 2015.05. Ã¥ÀÓÀúÀÚ

17. ¾È±¸°á¸·Áúȯ¿¡¼­ °íÁÖÆÄ °á¸·Àü±â¼ÒÀÛ¼úÀÇ È¿°ú. Ann Optom Contact Lens 2015. 03. Ã¥ÀÓÀúÀÚ

18. ºñÁ¢ÃË ¸¶À̺½»ùÃÔ¿µ¼úÀ» ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ Çѱ¹Àο¡¼­ ¿¬·É¿¡ µû¸¥¸¶À̺½»ùÀÇ º¯È­ ¿¬±¸. ´ëÇѾȰúÇÐȸÁö. 2015.01. Ã¥ÀÓÀúÀÚ
¡Ý ±¹Á¦ÇÐȸÁö ¹ßÇ¥³í¹®
1. Shin YJ, Lee JH. Clinical outcome of clear lens extraction in high myopia after epikeratoplasty lenticule removal. J Refract Surg. 2003 May-Jun;19(3):383-4.

2. Shin YJ, Kim MK, Wee WR, Lee JH, Shin DB, Lee JL, Xu YG, Choi SW. Change of proliferation rate of corneal epithelium in the rabbit with orthokeratology lens. Ophthalmic Res. 2005 Mar-Apr;37(2):94-103. Epub 2005 Mar 3.

3. Shin YJ, Park KH, Hwang JM, Wee WR, Lee JH, Lee IB. Objective measurement of visual acuity by optokinetic response determination in patients with ocular diseases. Am J Ophthalmol. 2006 Feb;141(2):327-32.

4. Shin YJ, Lee HI, Kim MK, Wee WR, Lee JH, Koh JH, Lee HJ, Lee JL, Min BM, Sohn YS, Kim HY. Biocompatibility of nanocomposites used for artificial conjunctiva: in vivo experiments. Curr Eye Res. 2007 Jan;32(1):1-10.

5. Lee SM, Shin YJ, Park KH. Postoperative infectious endophthalmitis after triamcinolone-assisted anterior vitrectomy. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2007 Apr;33(4):731-2.

6. Koh JW, Shin YJ, Oh JY, Kim MK, Ko JH, Hwang JM, Wee WR, Lee JH. The expression of TIMPs in cryo-preserved and freeze-dried amniotic membrane. Curr Eye Res. 2007 Jul-Aug;32(7-8):611-6.

7. Shin YJ, Park KH, Hwang JM, Wee WR, Lee JH. A new color vision test to differentiate congenital and acquired color vision defects. Ophthalmology. 2007 Jul;114(7):1341-7.

8. Kim C, Shin YJ, Kim NJ, Khwarg SI, Hwang JM, Wee WR. Conjunctival epithelial changes induced by cilia in patients with epiblepharon or entropion. Am J Ophthalmol. 2007 Oct;144(4):564-9. Epub 2007 Aug 9.

9. Young Joo Shin, Darrell B Tata, Ronald E Waynant, Peter L Gehlbach, Roy Chuck. Fluorometric determination of the Redox State and Distribution of Mitochondria in Human Malignant Glioblastoma cells due to different culturing substrates. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. in press

10. Shin YJ, Nishi Y, Engler C, Kang J, Hashmi S, Jun AS, Gehlbach PL, Chuck RS., The effect of phacoemulsification energy on the redox state of cultured human corneal endothelial cells. Arch Ophthalmol. 2009 Apr;127(4):435-41.

11. Hongyok T, Chae JJ, Shin YJ, Na D, Li L, Chuck RS. Effect of chitosan-N-acetylcysteine conjugate in a mouse model of botulinum toxin B-induced dry eye. Arch Ophthalmol. 2009 Apr;127(4):525-32.

12. Protective effect of clusterin on oxidative stress-induced cell death of human corneal endothelial cells. Molecular Vision. 2009: 12;

13. Fluorometric determination of the redox state and distribution of mitochondria in human malignant glioblastoma cells grown on different culturing substrates.
Shin YJ, Tata DB, Waynant RE, Gehlbach PL, Chuck RS.
Photomed Laser Surg. 2010 Aug;28 Suppl 1:S105-10.

14. Evaluation of phacoemulsification-induced oxidative stress and damage of cultured human corneal endothelial cells in different solutions using redox fluorometry microscopy.
Nishi Y, Engler C, Na DR, Kashiwabuchi RT, Shin YJ, Cano M, Jun AS, Chuck RS.
Acta Ophthalmol. 2010 Dec;88(8):e323-7

15. Cytotoxicity of voriconazole on cultured human corneal endothelial cells.
Han SB, Shin YJ, Hyon JY, Wee WR.
Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2011 Oct;55(10):4519-23.

16. Effect of cysteamine on oxidative stress-induced cell death of human corneal endothelial cells.
Shin YJ, Seo JM, Chung TY, Hyon JY, Wee WR.
Curr Eye Res. 2011 Oct;36(10):910-7.

17. Rapamycin reduces reactive oxygen species in cultured human corneal endothelial cells.
Shin YJ, Cho DY, Chung TY, Han SB, Hyon JY, Wee WR.
Curr Eye Res. 2011 Dec;36(12):1116-22.

18. Combined treatment with antioxidants and immunosuppressants on cytokine release by human peripheral blood mononuclear cells - chemically injured keratocyte reaction.
Yi K, Chung TY, Hyon JY, Koh JW, Wee WR, Shin YJ.
Mol Vis. 2011;17:2665-71.

19. Cysteamine suppresses human peripheral blood mononuclear cells--human corneal endothelial cell reaction via reactive oxygen species reduction.
Shin YJ, Hyon JY, Kim S, Koh JW, Kwon SI, Wee WR.
Mol Vis. 2011;17:3371-8.

20. Oral alcohol administration disturbs tear film and ocular surface.
Kim JH, Kim JH, Nam WH, Yi K, Choi DG, Hyon JY, Wee WR, Shin YJ.
Ophthalmology. 2012 May;119(5):965-71.

21. Toxicity of voriconazole on corneal endothelial cells in an animal model.
Han SB, Yang HK, Hyon JY, Shin YJ, Wee WR.
Br J Ophthalmol. 2012 Jun;96(6):905-8.

22. Aqueous humor concentrations of vascular endothelial growth factor and pigment epithelium-derived factor in high myopic patients.
Shin YJ, Nam WH, Park SE, Kim JH, Kim HK.
Mol Vis. 2012;18:2265-70.

23. Effects of oral mucolytics on tear film and ocular surface.
Kim D, Kim HJ, Hyon JY, Wee WR, Shin YJ.
Cornea. 2013 Jul;32(7):933-8.

24. Cytotoxicity of ganciclovir on cultured human corneal endothelial cells.
Choi WS, Koh JW, Chung TY, Hyon JY, Wee WR, Shin YJ.
Antivir Ther. 2013;18(6):813-20.

25. A case of CMV endotheliitis treated with intravitreal ganciclovir injection.
Choi WS, Cho JH, Kim HK, Kim HS, Shin YJ.
Korean J Ophthalmol. 2013 Apr;27(2):130-2

26. Chemical injury-induced corneal opacity and neovascularization reduced by rapamycin via TGF-¥â1/ERK pathways regulation.
Shin YJ, Hyon JY, Choi WS, Yi K, Chung ES, Chung TY, Wee WR.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2013 Jul 2;54(7):4452-8.

27. A novel computerized visual acuity test for children.
Shin YJ, Lee IB, Wee WR, Lee JH, Hwang JM.
Korean J Ophthalmol. 2013 Jun;27(3):194-8.

28. A novel color vision test for detection of diabetic macular edema.
Shin YJ, Park KH, Hwang JM, Wee WR, Lee JH, Lee IB, Hyon JY.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2014 Jan 2;55(1):25-32.

29. Eyelid Tattooing Induces Meibomian Gland Loss and Tear Film Instability. Cornea. 2015.07. Ã¥ÀÓÀúÀÚ

30. Stemness characteristics of human corneal endothelial cells cultured in various media. 2015.05. Ã¥ÀÓÀúÀÚ

31. The Effects of Different Culture Media on Human Corneal Endothelial Cells. INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY VISUAL SCIENCE. 2014.08. Ã¥ÀÓÀúÀÚ

32. Survival analysis of re-treatment after laser refractive corneal surgery in patients with myopia. Journal of Refractive Surgery. 2014.08. Ã¥ÀÓÀúÀÚ

33. A case of fungal keratitis and onychomycosis simultaneously infected by Trichophyton species. BMC Ophthalmology. 2014.07. Ã¥ÀÓÀúÀÚ

34. Sleep deprivation reduces tear secretion and impairs the tear film. . INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY VISUAL SCIENCE. 2014.05. Ã¥ÀÓÀúÀÚ

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Studies on cornea and lens

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