A Testimonial from Dr. Dinh Manh Hai in Vietnam
No.3085 Date2011-10-05 Hit 28340
A Testimonial from Dr. Dinh Manh Hai in Vietnam
No.3085 Date2011-10-05 Hit 28340
Q2) Main purposes and the field of your fellowship training
A) Learning the academy knowledge, join research activities and upgrade my surgical skills in Spine (specially Cervical spine).
Q3) Were you satisfied with medical expertise and communication skills of the Hallym faculty?
A) Yes, I was very impressed and satisfied.
Q4) How have you / are your going to put your training experience at Hallym back to your career at your institution?
A) I will surely use all of my experiences to help my patients and my fellows in Vietnam.
Q5) Throughout your training at Hallym, have you found its strengths which would be attractive for potential patients from your country?
A) Yes, I strongly believe the medical technique of Hallym will definitely attract foreign patients.
Q6) Based on your experience at Hallym which has been in hot pursuit of globalization, please give us your thoughtful advice for our endeavors.
A) I hope Hallym website (http://eng.hallym.or.kr/) will have more detail information for foreign people to find out what they want to know from outside Korea.
Q7) Other Comments:
A) Thank you all at spine center very much for giving me an opportunity to take a first-hand look at the surgical skills of Hallym experts.
By Jong Hun Im, Int’l Operations Team, HUMC (imjonghun@hallym.or.kr)